Kimber just announced a new KDS9c manufacturer accessory rebate valued at $150. When you buy a KDS9c from now through July 31, 2024 you will get two free magazines and a set of G10 grips. You can choose between 15 round magazines or 10 round magazines if you're unfortunate to live in a state with restrictive gun laws. At least you will have more low capacity magazines when someone breaks into your house with standard magazines. The grip options are Dark Red and Black G-10 or OD Green and Black G-10 very high texture grips.
Interestingly, Kimber is making this giveaway retroactive to purchased starting January 1, 2024 which is very abnormal, but also very welcomed. There's nothing worse than picking up your new gun and then finding out you would have received some extras if you purchased a few weeks later. We give massive kudos to Kimber for this!
Rescritions and additional terms and conditions apply. The link isn't active yet as it's not officially announced, but you will be able to go to the link below to view Kimber's terms and conditons as well as apply for your Bernie Sanders giveaways: