Kershaw Launch 13 Automatic Black Aluminum - CPM 154 - 3.5" - Wharncliffe
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Product Information:
The Launch 13 combines the best of both slimness and full-sized cutting ability. Its Wharncliffe blade is perfect for fine work, yet it's slightly angled for more versatile cutting. The narrow profile and deep-carry pocketclip let the Launch 13 easily ride in the pocket. Design details round out the package, including an integrated lanyard hole, a two-tone blade, and a custom triangular pivot.
- Made in the USA
- The CPM 154 powdered metallurgy blade steel takes and holds an excellent edge, provides corrosion resistance, wear resistance, toughness
- Lightweight, strong anodized aluminum handle is highly sculpted and attention-getting; integrated lanyard hole
- Low-profile push button makes it harder for blade to accidentally deploy
Material: CPM 154
Blade Type: Wharncliffe
Blade Length: 3.5"
Weight: 2.4oz
UPC Code | 087171060620 |
Manufacturer | Kershaw |
Accessory Rail | Not Applicable |
Warranty | Warranty provided by product manufacturer. |